"Let Us Arise and Build “ - Nehemiah 2:18

We, as a Mar Thoma Church worshipping community, have completed nearly twenty years in Auckland. By the Grace of God, we survived the three years of pandemic and despite all the challenges, it is astounding to see the number of new members arriving in church every week. Along with that, comes the pressing need for a place of worship which can accommodate all of us at a suitable time for Worship and Sunday School. We can either consider buying an existing Church/Hall with associated facilities or a suitable land to construct.

Buying the Parsonage in 2015 was the stepping stone to our long-term goal of having our own place of worship. Our strategic approach as decided in the General Body at that time, was to pay off the loan of Parsonage within 5/7 years and depending on our projected cost for Church, gather additional fund for the initial equity of the Church project. The pandemic derailed our initial course of action. Even today, we are committed to our goal and it is time for us to rise up and build our own place to worship our Lord Almighty – as King David said in 2 Samuel 7:1 “Here I am living in a house built of Cedar, but God’s covenant box is kept in a tent”.

Church is a representation of our spiritual and cultural values which we hold dear to our heart. It is a platform to teach spiritual values and beliefs to the future generation who will also be responsible citizens of tomorrow.

“My Church” future action plan:

Proposed strategy to achieve Phase 1 Target.

We expect donations in the range of $5,000 to $10,000 from each family by 31st October 2024.

Debt servicing:

For NZ$1,500,000 borrowing, we estimate the repayments to be around NZ$10,000 to NZ$13,000 monthly depending on the duration of the loan and interest rate. With the current level of membership (around 120 members) servicing this debt should not be difficult, provided we manage our financial affairs prudently. We praise God for all those who have paid in the past towards this project and for those who are still continuing to pay. Achieving the goal set before us of having our own place of worship to spread the word of God to our future generations and be an ambassador of Christ to the people in New Zealand would be the fruit that we bear of our faith in our Lord Jesus. Let us all join together in achieving our goal. We request your prayers and look forward to receiving your commitments / contributions to our Church account no. 12-3034-0067223-51.
Countdown of $300,000 - Deadline: 31st October 2024